Dymna Lotva - Prophecy Fest 2024
Dymna Lotva - Prophecy Fest 2024

Writing for Stormbringer Magazine? Oh, that was just the excuse I needed to pile on another hobby. Because clearly, juggling this blog, hitting up concerts, churning out metal reviews, and writing a supernatural romance novel wasn’t keeping me busy enough, I figured—why not throw photography into the mix?


I’ve always envied those concert photographers, getting up close in the pit, capturing the sweat, the energy, the chaos. So when I scored my first media pass for Skálmöld in March 2024, the question wasn’t should I try photography—it was how badly could this go?


Spoiler: Pretty badly. Armed with a crash course, a borrowed camera, and blind optimism, I dove in headfirst. You can read how that disaster unfolded here.


But hey, I stuck with it. Learned some things. Still learning. Still taking an embarrassing amount of terrible shots. But every once in a while? I snap something that actually makes me proud.